FertSpread On-Line Calculator

FertSpread is an on-line calculator and reporting tool to support on-farm calibration of fertiliser spreading equipment. It can be used on any internet connected device: computer, tablet or smartphone.

Access FertSpread at www.fertspread.nz

FertSpread uses field test results to calculate fertiliser product Size Guide Number (SGN) and Uniformity Index (UI) ensuring that evenness of application is within the recommended ranges.  Other calculations include fertiliser flow rate, required spreader speed, and actual application rate (kg/ha).

Finally and most importantly the tool allows you to analyse your Broadcast spreader configuration and based on your test results, to optimise your bout widths and ensure that you’re laying consistent, cost effective fertiliser spread patterns where ever possible.

FertSpread should be used in conjunction with the On-Farm Fertiliser Calibration Guidelines.
NOTE: Different types of collection trays show varying levels of capture during testing. Experience suggests the uniformity calculations are reasonably accurate, but the application rate may be under reported. Check the application rate by dividing quantity of fertiliser discharged by area covered.

You need to login to use FertSpread because your data is saved to enable calculations and to generate reports. The first time you use it, you will need to register. It is free.

Collecting Data for FertSpread

The calculations in FertSpread assume data has been collected in a certain way. Follow to protocols to avoid errors! You can download printable Field Recording Sheets here>.

The sheet is formatted to ensure you collect the data needed for analysis. It has space for up to 41 collector trays; 1 in the centre and 20 left and right. When you have collected the data in your FACC field sheet, login and use the Start Assessment tab to understand your current configuration and run simulations by adjusting the bout widths.

Fertiliser Rate Calculation

The Rate Calculator calculates the spreader travel speed needed to achieve the target application rate.  You can use this to help ensure the correct amount of fertiliser is applied to the paddock.

NOTE: This page does not save your data – it is only a calculator. NOTE: Yellow boxes are required info, grey calculated values.
On the Home Page, click the [RATE CALCULATOR] tab

  • Enter the Target Application Rate (kg/ha)
  • Enter the proposed Spreader Bout Width (m centre to centre)

The amount of fertiliser discharge per metre of spreader travel will be calculated.

Measure the amount of fertiliser being discharged in a certain time

  • Enter the amount of fertiliser caught
  • Enter the time taken
  • The Spreader Discharge (Flow) Rate will be calculated

The Target Travel Speed required to obtain the Target Application Rate will be calculated

Measure the Actual Travel Speed

  • Enter the Actual Travel Speed
  • The Actual Application Rate will be calculated
  • The percentage of Actual to Target Application Rate will be calculated

Make speed adjustments to correct the error and obtain the desired Application Rate

Fertiliser Spread Analysis

Spread analysis uses data from field tests to calculate the uniformity of application by broadcast spreaders. Fertiliser collected from catch trays across a pass of the spreader is weighed, and data entered in FertSpread. The Application Rate and Coefficient of Variation for the actual and alternative bout widths is calculated for both round-and-round and to-and-fro applications.

Test Details
To start a new analysis,  

  • Click the [START ASSESSMENT] tab to access the Test Details form

NOTE: Yellow boxes must be filled in before you can progress further.

NOTE: A new test will label this form “Enter Test Details”. When editing an existing test, this form will be labelled “Edit Test Details”.

Vehicle Details
When you click on the Vehicle Details form, the first box asks you to select a Test Type. This customises following forms depending on whether you are assessing a spreader, or a placement machine driven by either the PTO or from a ground-wheel.

Fill in the remaining boxes which will be included in the report that is generated. Travel Speen must be filled in – it is essential in the calculations that follow.
